Bed And Lemons

The Lemon Groves

The citrus gardens where the B&B is situated is protected by a tradional Sorrentine Pergolato, which is a fixed wooden structure. Built with Chestnut wood poles, tied with fine wire, which helps to maintain and protect the lemon trees. These poles are entwined and on these the “sepale” or “frangiventi” are vertically tied as a defence against the northerly winds. In Autumn the famous pagliarelle, which are made from straw or cane and are placed horizontally and then tied with string, which in the Spring are removed and kept in “cataste” underneath 2 pagliarelle in the shape of a roof, looking like small Oriental houses which are called “cogne” which are always a point of discussion among tourists.

These typical and exclusive structures from old Sorrentine gardens on one side give perfect protection to the citrus fruits from wind, ice and hail and on the other side promote a persistant humidity with no air, favourable to the reproduction and to delay the ripening, creating an ideal habitat that makes the Sorrentine lemons a quality product known in all the world, for their own characteristics. The flavour is accentuated with a perfect balance of sweet and sour, which can only enhance Mediterranean cooking.

In the lemon groves of Bed and Lemons you can’t help but notice the owners love of their land. The beliefs of the Sorrentine farmers is always to work with the land, promoting the protection of nature, better health and quality of life.
